A truly amazing game, with no In-app-purchases actually needed. I mean, seriously, how cool is that!? Not to mention all the activities inside the game itself, along with the strategies that you can make up. Only glitch Ive ever encountered on it is a very small crash on a loading screen. Only thing I dont actually like about this game, is that there is one achievement that is impossible to get, Quinsforth, or Tybolt, depending on who you choose. Still amazing though, because of all the stuff there is to do besides the campaign, and I feel a sense of freedom with this game than I dont really feel like I need to purchase the stuff in it, although they look amazing. Basically, for a one dollar app, its worth around seven. EDIT: Alright, so Im not sure how, BUT I GOT BOTH QUINSFORTH, AND TYBOLT! All I did was keep on hiring from the city, and I got him... Well, both. I have them on a team with each other XD Not sure if a glitch, or what, so... Yeah. Try it out! Not sure if theres a specific order to the thing, but I got Quinsforth first. EDIT: Alright, again. PLEASE, PLEASE, Either do another update, or make another Kings League, because this is probably one of the BEST IOS/ PC games I have ever played. Btw, if your having crashes, try updating your IOS, as it is a huge game, even if it doesnt seem like it. I played on an I-phone 6 with no crashes. I think the other IOSs are crashing due to lack of space.
RainbowKash about King's League: Odyssey